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LOG: The Thanksgiving Seattle Splash - Day 6
2007-11-29 � 7:15 p.m.

LOG: The Thanksgiving Seattle Splash - Day 6

24 November 2007

1:30 AM � �I just closed my eyes and the first thing I envisioned was larvae, I�m thinking it�s because I�m thinking about life or the beginnings of it� � KT
11:48 AM � There is a pretentious conversation about scotch
12:34 PM � �What are you motivated by? Torture?� � KT
1:10 PM � Arrive at the Keith and Scott Tree Farm to get KT and Steve a Tree for Jesus
1:21PM � Jessm � Well it looks like Bob and Nathan don�t have a very good selection of trees
KT � it�s Keith and Scott
1:39 PM � Got the only good tree, tree in the car, check, that was fast
1:51 PM � �The flat iron is the new mullet� � KT
1:59 PM � �Maybe Kristin can sing O Holy Night again cause that old guy is dead� � KT
2:08 PM � �Look KT! TRAFFIC!� � Mom
2:20 PM � while listening to this song
Steve - seriously who is Zachary?
Kt & Jessm � we don�t know
Mom � he is little
2:23 PM � �Blue Cheese Bacon Booger� � Dad
2:27 PM � �we just passed a speak easy!� � Mom
2:42 PM � KT � oh save those bows for me
Steve (whisper) � why are we saving them?
Jessm (whisper) � she is going to make potpourri
5:30 PM � Jessm � Dad is wearing my head lamp
Steve � he looks like a diamond appraiser
5:40 PM � My mom thinks that Tyra Banks says �contract� like �contwact�
5:48 PM � � Twiggy! Twiggy was the worst model ever!� � Mom
6:28 PM � �And she was dressed as a Victorian school marm� � KT
6:46 PM � �it was the only place where you could dissect them because it was the only place where they had sterile instruments. So, yeah, we�d dissect them. And then eat them. We�d eat �em!� � Random Lady at the table next to us
7:10 PM � Jessm � there is a girl in the corner gnawing on a video tape
Steve � I think it is a Nintendo DS
8:23 PM � Steve assures the restaurant that him and KT are NOT dating for the 3rd time
8:45 PM � Mom and Dad leave for the airport :(

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