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LOG: The Thanksgiving Seattle Splash - Day 5
2007-11-29 � 6:39 p.m.

LOG: The Thanksgiving Seattle Splash - Day 5

23 November 2007

12:26 AM � �If I was running a dolphin water park I�d say friendship, fun and flippers� � Steve
12:31 AM � Kt is whimpering
12:26 PM � �Mom just told me I have one foot in the grave� � KT
12:45 PM � when Scott�s VP was bragging about the 3 horses he just bought to play polo with Scott wanted to respond �Well, I just bought an x-box and I could beat your ass at halo�
12:54 PM � �I just saw a seagull pooping in a canoe, it was moving but the seagull was pooping in the canoe� � random child on the ferry
1:11 PM � �Yeah I�m going to get a herringbone, no a hounds tooth coat� � Scott
1:43 PM � Scott witnessed a dad running with a child in a stroller and how the child stuck its head out to the side and the dad ran his kids head into a pole
3:25 PM � Small girl was violently stabbing a bowl of marbles with a pen and then ran away
4:15 PM � Mom � KT where did you get that Diet Dr Pepper
Jessm � She found it floating in the toilet in the station bathroom
KT � I�m gonna pound you!
4:16 PM � �stop laughing at yourself writing that down!� � Mom
9:00 PM � �True, True, True, True, True, True Dat, True�A�Bunga dude� - KT
11:45 PM � �I like to scream� � KT

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