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LOG: NoVa � The Panda Council Part 2
2011-03-25 � 11:57 p.m.

25 March 2011

00:38 � Cat: Irish Catholic lesbians having sex with nuns, HEY
JessM: Yes
KT: I like to call them nun fuckers

12:17 � �She wore all the pants, nobody else even got to have pants, she wore all the pants at once� � JessM

12:59 � Sendybear hits Cat
Cat: Ouch!
Sendybear: What? I didn�t hit you that hard. Do you have a bum knee?

13:44 � �And the kids were thrown off because I knew the lingo� � Sendybear

13:46 � Cat: My client was accused of dropping it like it�s hot
Sendybear: Like dropping acid?
Cat: No, dropping it like it�s hot

14:12 � �You would think after dating someone who killed baby birds you would sit down and re-evaulate your life� � KT

15:03 � KT: I thought maybe the one lady was a highway lady and the other lady is the street lady
Sendybear: Oh Betsy, I can�t talk to you now

15:13 � �Oh heavens to Betsy!� � Cat

15:26 � �This is excellent weather and these are excellent blooms� � JessM

15:30 � �If we all were cast in a new Napoleon Dynamite, KT would be Deb and I would be Uncle Rico� � Cat

15:55 � �There needs to be a meeting of the Panda Council� � Cat

16:48 � �No, go this way, fuck that church�

16:52 � Skat time

16:53 � Cat: I really liked those muted snaps you�re doing
KT: Yeah I must too, I am in some sort of trance or something

17:10 � �My list got wet� � KT

17:34 � Two grandma�s in kerchiefs are walking down the side of the highway

17:49 � Cat: Has Steve made you drink the Lykke Li Kool Aid yet?
JessM: What is that? Kool Aid with sperm in it?

17:50 � �Turn right at the penis topiaries�

20:03 � JessM: Where is the fruit?
KT: Oh behind you
JessM: Oh ok
Cat: What?
JessM: The fruit
KT: The fruit
Cat: What?
KT: The fruit
JessM: Steve


20:51 � �Jessica, what do you have around your neck?� � KT

22:59 � Cat: LP, I haven�t worn a bra for 2 years
LP: Wow girl, you need to wrap those puppies up
Cat: No, I�m good
Sendybear: She�s gonna be sorry when she is my age and they are draggin� on the floor
LP: She�s going to be able to throw them over her shoulder

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Chicago to Seattle - 2014-05-27
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 3 - 2011-07-24
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 2 - 2011-07-23
LOG: Balti-Malti Part 1 - 2011-07-22
LOG: NoVa � The Panda Council Part 4 - 2011-03-27